Does uad autotune work in ableton on windows
Does uad autotune work in ableton on windows

Important: To maintain the lowest possible input latency for Realtime UAD Processing, UAD plug-ins on a single Console input channel strip must fit on one DSP core (or two cores if Channel DSP Pairing is enabled).

does uad autotune work in ableton on windows

This reciprocal action lets you adjust how Apollo’s internal DSP resources are allocated.Ĭhannel DSP Pairing control in Console Settings As the DSP PAIRS value is increased, the VIRTUAL CHANNELS value is decreased. Watch our UAD Basics video to learn about Channel DSP PairingĬhannel DSP Pairing increases Apollo’s DSP flexibility and lets you build bigger plug-in chains on Console inputs. Tip: Lower the VIRTUAL CHANNELS value to conserve Apollo DSP. Setting location: Console Settings > Hardware Panel > Options Column Note: Channel DSP Pairing is available with UAD v9.10 and higher only ( download now).

  • These five settings are outlined below.
  • DSP LoadLock and Limit DSP Load are within the UAD Meter & Control Panel application and apply to all UAD-2 devices in the system (including Apollo/Arrow and UAD-2 DSP Accelerators).
  • does uad autotune work in ableton on windows

  • Channel DSP Pairing, Cue Bus Count, and Input Delay Compensation are within Console Settings and apply to Apollo/Arrow only.
  • In the DAW, you get DSP-accelerated processing for mixing with UAD plug-ins, but all plug-ins used in a DAW (not just UAD plug-ins) are subject to input latency induced by the DAW’s hardware I/O buffering (larger buffer size = more latency).įive settings are available within the UAD-2/Apollo/Arrow system that impact UAD DSP resources:.
  • In Console, you get Realtime UAD Processing and near-zero input latency when monitoring and tracking through UAD plug-ins, but all plug-ins on a single channel input strip must fit on one DSP core (or two cores if Channel DSP Pairing is enabled).
  • When operating UA audio interfaces, it helps to understand that UAD plug-ins within Console use DSP differently than when UAD plug-ins are used within a DAW. Settings in the UAD Meter & Control Panel app that impact DSP resources in both Console and DAWĪbout Apollo/Arrow UAD Plug-In Processing How to conserve DSP when you don’t need more than two cue mixes (rack models only)

    does uad autotune work in ableton on windows

    What Input Delay Compensation does, and how to conserve DSP when it isn’t needed Video tutorial covering Channel DSP Pairing How to increase Apollo’s DSP flexibility and build bigger plug-in chains on Console inputs

    does uad autotune work in ableton on windows

    This article provides an overview of UA Audio Interface DSP and how you can tune the system to maximize available resources for UAD plug-in processing.

    Does uad autotune work in ableton on windows